Grocery Shopping Made Easy

I hate grocery shopping. Like, I get stressed out just  walking into the grocery store. I’m the type of person who likes to compare food labels, then grab what’s on my list and get out. The quicker, the better! But I often forget things that I need and end up having to make another trip, where I then end up spending way more than intended. But not anymore!

About a year ago I discovered the easiest, most-convenient way to avoid grocery store stress, read all the food labels, and control how much I spend: Wal-Mart Grocery Pick-Up. This service is completely free and super convenient so you can make it fit into your busy schedule!

Steps to easy groceries

  • Create an account on the Wal-Mart Grocery website
  • Choose your pick-up location. El Paso has multiple Wal-Mart stores but the one closest to my house is a Neighborhood Market and does not have the pick-up option. Depending on my schedule, I will alternate pick-up locations based on which store is along the way. But it’s always important to pick your location before you start shopping since not all stores have the same items available.
  • Start shopping!I will make another post about my specific shopping methods but my best recommendation is to make a list of any recipes you plan on making and any items you need to stock up on. It’s easy to go down you’re list and add each item to your cart. You can see how much you’re spending so if you’re on a budget, you can add and remove items as needed.
  • Check-out. If you’re a frequent shopper at Wal-Mart Grocery, you may get some recommendations on products you typically buy or any items you marked as a favorite.
  • Choose a pick-up time. While you can technically do this before shopping, I like to wait until I’ve added everything to my cart because sometimes the time is only reserved for a set amount of time so I’ll end up having to re-select. Often, you cannot choose same day pick-up unless you are placing your order early in the morning.
  • Review Order. As you are reviewing your order, there is an option to select substitutions. I choose to substitute all products. Typically, they choose a high priced item or a larger quantity and charge you the price you originally paid. You always have the option to turn down a substitution.
  • Place Order. Once your order is placed, you will get an email confirmation. If you forgot something, you typically have a couple hours where you can make adjustments to your order. Your confirmation also reminds you of your pick-up time and location.
  • Pick-up order. This is the easy part, you don’t even have to get out of your car! When your order is ready, you will get an email.  You park on the side of the store with an orange wall and reserved spaces marked for Wal-mart Grocery Pick-up. If you have the app, you can check in on your phone via GPS as you leave your house so they are ready when you arrive. If you don’t use the app, call the number on the signs and your groceries will be brought out.
  • Review substitutions. When your order is brought out, an associate will review any substitutions with you. You can always refuse any item. Then they load up your car, you sign, and you’re good to go. Your receipt is then emailed to you!

I’m all about the easy route, and with a busy life, it just makes sense to save time wherever I can. Are you interested in trying Wal-Mart Grocery Pick-up? Use this link for $10 off your first order! I promise, after one trip, you’ll be hooked!

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